CALL US TODAY (726)-202-6446
George West, Texas
Fully guided hunts include lodging, all ranch facilities, game cleaning, ranch transportation, etc. If your hunting group has 4 hunters, then your group books the ranch fully. Non hunting guests are welcome at $125/day.
A $1,500 non-refundable deposit is required when booking your hunt and secures a 2 day hunt. That deposit will be applied to the hunt cost below when an animal is harvested or wounded. Additional days can be arranged for hunters looking to extend their stay.
● All hunts are fully guided
● Fee includes lodging and for 2days/2nights
● In the event a trophy is NOT harvested, no additional costs are incurred
**Prices advertised are subject to change.
Additional Information
● We can transport your game to a local processor/taxidermist
● Hunter must provide own beverages
● Rio Grande & Eastern Gobblers can be harvested for $300, when in season
● Varmints and predators are free
● Hogs on request as induvial hunt or add on to a hunt
● We accept Visa/MasterCard